Call To Book
COURT HOUSE 3 blocks south to the property 115 S. Wall St In Natchez MS CITY HALL 2 blocks south to the property 124 S. Pearl St. In Natchez MS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2 blocks west to the property 108 S. Commerce St In Natchez MS NATCHEZ PILGRIMAGE TOURS 4 blocks south to the property 200 State St. In Natchez MS WELCOME CENTER Most state of art in country 3 blocks southwest to the property 640 Canal St. In Natchez MS ISLE OF CAPRI CASINO River boat
131 well appointed guest rooms just 3 blocks from the Mississippi River and only minutes away from antique shopping.Enjoy breakfast or lunch in Juleps restaurant or dinner in Cafe LaSalle. Sit in the courtyard and watch the flaming fountain sipping.