- 703 Available Hotels Near Shrine Auditorium & Expo Center
- Rates Starting at just $56.28
- 72 Chains To Choose From
- Last Minute Inventory!
Visiting Los Angeles, CA for an event at Shrine Auditorium & Expo Center? Hotels-Rates has all the info you need to find the best-fitting hotel, for the best price, convenient to Shrine Auditorium & Expo Center. We constantly gather data on hotels, attractions and points of interest in Los Angeles and all over the nation, so that you can choose the best hotel for you. Our comprehensive hotel catalog reveals there are 54 hotels in Los Angeles less than 5 miles from Shrine Auditorium & Expo Center, with the lowest rate for those hotels being $65.99. We also found 2 hotels in Los Angeles within 1 mile of Shrine Auditorium & Expo Center, with the lowest rate for those hotels being $99.99. If you are looking for other places to visit in Los Angeles, you might be interested in visiting the Capitol Records Building, Los Angeles Zoo, Grauman's Chinese Theatre, Del Amo Fashion Center, Union Station Los Angeles, NBC Studios, California Science Center, Disney Concert Hall, Aquarium of the Pacific, Coca-Cola Building, Lakewood Center, Pasadena Museum of History, Paley Center for Media, Wells Fargo Center and Paramount Pictures, most of which are relatively close to the venue.