- 411 Available Hotels Near Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets Basketball - Hank McCamish Pavilion
- Rates Starting at just $32.02
- 77 Chains To Choose From
- Last Minute Inventory!
Visiting Atlanta, GA to root on the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets at Hank McCamish Pavilion? Hotels-Rates has all the info you need to find the best-fitting hotel, for the cheapest price, convenient to Hank McCamish Pavilion. We constantly gather information on hotels, attractions and points of interest in Atlanta, GA and throughout the country, so that you can choose the ideal hotel for you. Our comprehensive hotel catalog reveals there are 91 hotels in Atlanta within 5 miles of Hank McCamish Pavilion, with the lowest rate for those hotels being $75.99. We also found 24 hotels in Atlanta within 1 mile of Hank McCamish Pavilion, with the lowest rate for those hotels being $99. Hotels-Rates welcomes all college basketball fans to explore the numerous hotels and attractions in and around Atlanta and Hank McCamish Pavilion. Make sure you check in with us next time you are in Atlanta for ACC college basketball for updated prices and hotel availability. If you’re looking for other interesting places in Atlanta, you might be interested in visiting the Phipps Plaza, Zoo Atlanta, Northlake Mall, The Robert C. Williams Paper Museum, Georgia Aquarium, Gwinnett Place Mall, Fox Theatre and Lenox Square, most of which are a short drive from the venue.