- 166 Available Hotels Near Laurel Racecourse
- Rates Starting at just $55.18
- 48 Chains To Choose From
- Last Minute Inventory!
Eager to visit Laurel for an event? Hotels-Rates has all the information you need to select the best-fitting hotel, for the cheapest price, close to Laurel Racecourse. We continuously collect information on hotels, attractions and points of interest in Laurel and all over the U.S., so that you can choose the perfect hotel for you. Our extensive database reveals there are 16 hotels in Laurel within 5 miles of Laurel Racecourse, with the lowest rate for those hotels being $59.99. We also found 5 hotels in Laurel within 1 mile of Laurel Racecourse, with the lowest rate for those hotels being $65.96. Hotels-Rates welcomes all Race Tracks fans to explore the numerous hotels and attractions in and around Laurel and Laurel Racecourse. If you are searching for other interesting places in Laurel, we think you might like the Modell Performing Arts Center, Brookside Gardens, Westfield Wheaton, National Aquarium Baltimore and Bass Pro Baltimore, most of which are an easy drive from the venue.