- 220 Available Hotels Near Belk Bowl
- Rates Starting at just $38.48
- 62 Chains To Choose From
- Last Minute Inventory!
In Charlotte for an event at The Belk Bowl? Hotels-Rates has all the info you need to find the perfect hotel, for the best price, convenient to The Belk Bowl. We continually collect information on hotels, attractions and points of interest in Charlotte and across the U.S., so that you can choose the ideal hotel for you. Our comprehensive hotel catalog shows there are 72 hotels in Charlotte within 5 miles of The Belk Bowl, with the lowest rate for those hotels being $48.3. We also found 22 hotels in Charlotte within 1 mile of The Belk Bowl, with the lowest rate for those hotels being $109. If you’re searching for other fun places in Charlotte, you might be interested in visiting the South Park Mall, Discovery Place, Bass Pro Charlotte and Theatre Charlotte, most of which are an easy drive from the venue.