- 50 Available Hotels Near Wake Forest Demon Deacons Basketball - Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum
- Rates Starting at just $44.04
- 29 Chains To Choose From
- Last Minute Inventory!
Excited to visit Winston-Salem and watch the Wake Forest Demon Deacons at Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum? Hotels-Rates has all the info you need to find the perfect hotel, for the cheapest price, close to Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum. We continuously gather info on hotels, attractions and points of interest in Winston-Salem, NC and across the U.S., so that you can choose the best hotel for you. Our comprehensive hotel database reveals there are 27 hotels in Winston-Salem within 5 miles of Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum, with the lowest rate for those hotels being $34. We also found 2 hotels in Winston-Salem within 1 mile of Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum, with the lowest rate for those hotels being $68.39. Hotels-Rates welcomes all college basketball fans to check out the numerous hotels and points of interest in and around Winston-Salem and Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum. Make sure you check in with us next time you are in Winston-Salem for ACC college basketball for refreshed prices and hotel availability. If you’re searching for other places to visit in Winston-Salem, we think you might like the Hanes Mall, which is less than 10 miles from the venue.